Custody and Visitation
We recognize that child custody and parenting time schedules are the biggest concern for many clients. We will help you to create a custody and parenting plan best suited for your family and negotiate on your behalf to reach an agreed-upon plan.
Factors in Custody Award
In Oregon, the court makes decisions on child custody and parenting time based on what it believes is in the best interests of the children. The court takes into account a number of factors in making this decision. In addition to protecting the children's health, safety and welfare, a custody arrangement must encourage frequent and continuing contact with both parents, unless there has been a history of child abuse or domestic violence.
Modification of Custody and Parenting Time Orders
Because of Oregon's interest in the welfare of minor children, the court always has jurisdiction to make or change custody and parenting time orders after a divorce is finalized. In fact, changes to custody agreements are quite common as children become older and families change.
In determining modification, the court will determine whether there has been a substantial change in circumstances that so affects the child that modification is necessary to the child's welfare.
Such changes in circumstances include (but are not limited to):
- Change/proposed change in residence of one of the parents. (This may require a motion for a "move-away order")
- The desire of an older child to increase or decrease parenting time
- Alteration of the child's school schedule
- A change in the relationship between the child and the parent
Call us today to schedule a consult if you need help with a custody or parenting time issue.